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World Diabetes Day

Did you know that 1 in 10 people are living with diabetes? This day that takes place every 14th November annually, was created by International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness on diabetes for both the diabetes and diabetic patients to keep it firmly in the public spotlight. This year, the World Diabetes Day campaign focuses on promoting the role of nurses in the prevention and management of diabetes. In correlation of World Diabetes Day, we’d like to share a couple of tips in the prevention of diabetes.

Aside from prevention, Truelifesciences offers alternative remedies for diabetic patients which are Glycemea and Wellness.

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Do You Truly Understand Your Heart?

High blood pressure affects approximately 1.13 billion people in the world. Another fact is that one third of the global cases of ischaemic heart disease was attributed by the elevated cholesterol level. High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol do more than just showing some signs and symptoms. They are also the major contributors to the world’s top 2 deadliest diseases, namely heart diseases and stroke which accounted for a total of 15.2 million deaths in 2016.

Many of us are clear with the modifications that can be done to our lifestyle to prevent the occurrence of health diseases. Following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough of sleep, we hear these advices going on and on. However, how many of us can truly adopt a healthy lifestyle?

Drugs and medications may be an effective solution to manage high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, but some come with side effects with long term usage. What if there is a way to avoid these side effects while solving your health concerns?

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Taking Down Heart Diseases Together

High blood pressure affects approximately 1.13 billion people in the world. Another fact is that one third of the global cases of ischaemic heart disease was attributed by the elevated cholesterol level. High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol do more than just showing some signs and symptoms. They are also the major contributors to the world’s top 2 deadliest diseases, namely heart diseases and stroke which accounted for a total of 15.2 million deaths in 2016.

The beneficial effect of functional foods on blood pressure and cholesterol are well established by now with the increasing evidence from research findings. This is because some foods contain high amount of bioactive components that can potentially reduce the risk of certain health conditions including high blood pressure and cholesterol.

There are also numerous drugs on the shelf that a doctor can prescribe to the patients depending on their health and personal condition. However, there is concern about possible side effects to the patients and therefore, they are required to be taken with caution.

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World Arthritis Day

Arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability and it affects more than 350 million people in the world. This term refers to more than 150 diseases which are usually associated with pain and the inability to perform daily tasks.

As opposed to the usual belief, arthritis does not only affect the elderly as more than 3 in 5 people below the age of 65 are suffering from arthritis. The women’s population (23.5%) was found to be more prevalent compared to the men’s population (18.1%). Higher prevalence of arthritis was also found in physically inactive people (23.6%) than people who have met the recommended levels of physical activity (18.1%).

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