Frusinea Chromium


Frusinea 3.0 Passion Fruit is a unique and natural blend to increase and strengthen the immune system. According to the World Cancer Research Foundation, of 130,000 cancer deaths per year between 30-40% could have been prevented with the right diet. A meta-analysis that included 12 studies with a total of 1,574,299 participants concluded that the 2 point increase in Mediterranean diet adherence was associated with a 6% decrease in death from cancer.


Reduce oxidative stress caused by chronic diseases and immune booster.

Product Description

– Contains a patented ingredient which is Meditrine A-IITM (consists of 11 fruits and 11 vegetables) with the add on of chromium. These formula of 11 fruits and 11 vegetables provides the body with 60000 ORAC value in every packet of Frusenia Chromium.

– ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, simply put it is the potency of an item to neutralize free radical content in the environment that it is in. Has the certificate of Analysis from Brunswick Laboratories based in USA to confirm the ORAC value of 60000 which is active against the 5 types of free radicals namely peroxyl, hydroxyl, peroxynitrite, superoxide anion and singlet oxygen.


Packaging: 1 box 12’s sachets.