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Is Your Iron Supplement Making You Constipated and Nauseous?

Iron deficiency is linked to reduced capacity for physical activity, reduced productivity and increased fatigue leading to poorer cognitive work performance. Iron deficiency can lead to a condition called iron deficiency anemia. National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2015 study stated that the overall prevalence of anaemia in Malaysia was 24.6% among the population aged 15 years and above.

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Back to School after the long compulsory Holidays

After waiting for almost 3 months, the schools are opening their doors back for the students to continue their studies. Parents would be the anxious group that will have to worry about their safety and health of their beloved kids. The Covid-19 pandemic has made us all change to the new norm of doing things. A must list for the kids would be masks, hand sanitizers and even in some schools are face shields. These are protection that is physical which are barriers. What we also should focus on is their immune system and ways to increase it. Health officials and professionals has been telling us this throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.Going back to school creates a lot of lifestyle changes to the new norm, that leads to a build up of oxidative stress. The body of a child needs certain amount of nutrients greater than that of a normal adult in order to remain healthy and function properly.

It is recommended that children eat food from different food groups in order to ensure a healthy intake of calories along with all the essential nutrients , including carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Without these nutrients, there is a propensity for children to develop diseases or conditions associated with their deficiency which could affect their growth, overall health condition, well being and upmost important is their immune system.

Children should take a nutritionally balanced diet including milk products for strong bones and teeth, meat and eggs for growth and repair of tissue cells, fruits and vegetables as source of vitamins and minerals, and grains as source of carbohydrates.

Parents find it hard nowadays as children opt for fast foods and are picky eaters when it comes to fruits and vegetables. Therefore these are the main reason why children are not getting the important essential vitamins and minerals to enhance the immune system.

Oxxykids is the answer to supply the 11 fruits and 11 vegetables based on a mediterranean diet that has been researched clinically to complete the nutritional vitamins and minerals needed by the children to develop a healthy immune system which is responsible for protecting them against illness.

Just take 1 sachet a day before going to school, treat it like a morning juice….you will see the improvement in the child’s overall health with proper essential nutrition and say goodbye to flu,viral fever and other illness that school going children are prone to.

Besides taking a well balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, supplementing the body with the correct amount of pre and probiotics makes a big difference in boosting the immune system in the child. As we know the risk factor of contracting Covid 19 is higher in kids as their immune system is not as strong as adults, therefore we can help them with proper supplements that have been clinically proven to improve the child’s immune system.

Pronex junior is a clinically proven formulation of pre and probiotics that contains 3 beneficial strains of bacteria and 50mg of vit C that has been proven to Reduce the upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and reduce the incidence of absentism from school. In the study also showed that the incidence of sneezing, cough and runny nose also reduced significantly when the kids took pronex junior. To get the said results is very easy just by taking one chewable tablet daily of pronex junior. Parents who are giving their kids pronex junior will have a peace of mind knowing that their children’s immune system is getting the proper nutrition to function properly when it is needed the most during this crucial period.


A Healthy outside starts from a healthy inside…….


Pronex Junior

A clinically proven formula that is Activator Hybrid Culture (AHC). Containing 1.5 billion CFU of 3 gut friendly bacterial strains per tablet.

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Happy Father’s Day!

Being a father is no easy task, there is a lot of pressure and stress that goes into a typical day of being a father.In a male , one of the most important hormone that ensures a Father can cope in his day to day functions is Testosterone.

Testosterone is an androgenic sex hormone produced by the testicles and is ofteb associated with “manhood” .Primarily this hormone plays a great role in men’s sexual and reproductive function.It also contributes to their muscle mass, hair growth, maintaining bone density, red blood cell production and emotional health.

Testosterone levels in men peaks at the age of 25, it starts to decline with age. Begining at the age 30 it starts to decline, at the age of 45 almost 33% has been reduced and at the age of 60 almost 50% is gone.

Environmental toxins also plays an important role in reducing the testosterone levels as we are more exposed to these chemicals that are called EDCs (endocrine distrupting chemicals) like phthalates,BPA,PFOA and metalloestrogens that are lurking in our house like personal hygiene products, chemical cleansers.These can also end up in our drinking water and food.To reduce these exposure try to change to natural products and organic food.

EDCs pose a threat to men’s health as they interfere with testosterone production. According to EurekAlert, EDCs have been entering rivers in Britain that caused that 50% of male fish were found to produce eggs in their testes.This was found as a result as EDCs have been entering the waterways from the sewerage systems and altering the biologyof the male fish. It was found that the fish species that was effected has a 76% reduction in their reproductive function.

During an Endocrine Society’s 2012 conference, there was a link between weight and testosterone levels.Therefore shedding some weight will alleviate the problem.An easy way is to watch your diet.

  • Limit your processed sugar
  • Eliminate refined carbohydrate like cereals and soda as they can contribute to insulin resistance
  • Consume more Vegetables and healthy fats as they need carbohydrates from fresh vegetables

A low testosterone levels will be linked to these issues like

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Depressed mood
  • Memory problems
  • Impaired concentration

Once you have these symptoms it may be a sign of low testosterone, it can be corrected to improve the quality of life.Once the low testosterone is corrected, the vitality and virility of a man will improve.The physical and mental performance will improve.If you happen to be in these categories like

  • Aged 30 and above
  • Low energy levels
  • Highly stressed
  • Poor blood circulation
  • Low libido
  • A sudden increase in body fat and waistline

Taking a supplement that increases the testosterone, specifically bioidentical testosterone that is naturally found in certain herbs would definately improve the overall quality of life of a man.What better gift to give on Father’s Day to the one of the most important figures in our lives.Just 2 capsules of TTG420 daily would make a world of difference to improve the quality of life and help them age gracefully.



TTG 420

Specially formulated to improve men’s health both physically and mentally. TTG 420 is suitable for men.

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Enjoy your Hari Raya to the fullest!

Hari Raya is just around the corner. After a month of fasting, it is the time to celebrate among family and friends. This year around would be a totally different Hari Raya celebration as we are still in the MCO period that we can’t move freely to visit our relatives and friends in the other states. Also the event of “Balik kampung” which a lot of us look forward to will also be restricted to those in the same state, no interstate travelling is allowed.This would be a new norm in celebrating Hari Raya in this MCO period. Get ready the mask and hand sanitizers when you are visiting.
Continue reading Enjoy your Hari Raya to the fullest!

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Management of Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is a well established concept within the medical research. It reflects body’s chemical imbalance between reactive harmful forms of oxygen, primarily oxygen free radicals and protective antioxidants. This itself is not a disease but it can make us feel worse, age faster and add a heightened risk of developing other complications.

The body’s metabolism is constantly forming various kinds of free is the formation of these free radicals that needs to be regulated, which requires that we have good “rust protection”Respiration in cells requires sufficient oxygen to function. After inhaling, the oxygen, bound to blood cells, is transported out to the body’s tissues. During respiration within the cells’ energy factories (mitochondria), a small percentage of oxygen will always be converted into a certain type of oxygen free radical, the superoxide radical. There are a few types of free radical species that attack different parts of the body.

The body need to be able to defense against the free radicals. The body itself can make some antioxidants but we need to get variety of others through dietary nutrient intake to have full defense against the damaging effects of oxygen. Direct acting antioxidants function as “ free radical hunters”in that they can donate electrons and thereby “turn off” different types of radicals, creating chemically stable, harmless substances.

Different lifestyles and environments can greatly increase the load of free radicals and other ROS. This sets high expectations for our antioxidant defenses. If we cannot manage to eliminate the attacks, we suffer various degrees of the imbalance called oxidative stress. The reasons behind strong persistence of oxidative stress are individual. Common causes include poor nutrition, prolonged inflammations or infections, smoking, alcohol abuse, birth control pills,pregnancy, lack of exercise or vice versa.

The result may be that oxidative stress feeds inflammation and that inflammation then, in turn “feed” additional oxidative stress and so on. The result is an accelerating, tissue damaging “vicious circle” which needs to be stopped.Hidden oxidative stress is common that causes biochemical wear, an unhealthy condition that in most cases can be significantly reduced or eliminated with these basic steps:

  • Minimize the consumption of refined sugar
  • Avoid processed foods and if possible use fresh ingredients
  • Everyday eat a large colour variety of vegetables,fruits and berries (Frusenia 6.0)
  • Eat fatty fish several times a week if you can’t take some good quality Omega 3 fish oil supplements
  • Exercise regularly, don’t smoke, if you consume alcohol, consume moderately, preferable red wine with high antioxidant capacity
  • Plan daily to avoid unnecessary stress, take care to get enough sleep
  • Pay attention to your oral hygiene, keep your toothbrush clean and germ free.
  • Get your hsCRP and your oxidative stress value analyzed (FORT test) yearly, at least.


Supplementing your body with the correct antioxidant will give you the protection. Insist on natural extract of antioxidant and stay away from synthetic or chemically derived ones.

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Boosting Ones Immunity Needs Help

Antioxidants are a class of stable molecules that are capable of inhibiting harmful effects of free radicals which are unstable and if left unchecked will actually destroy different parts of the body.Some antioxidants are produced by our body, but some are not.As you age, the body’s natural antioxidant production declines.This action would speed up aging.

Free radicals are a type of highly reactive metabolite that is naturally produced by the body as a result of normal metabolism and energy production. Free radical molecules are missing one or more electrons which is responsible for biological oxidation. The incomplete molecules aggressively attack other molecules in order to replace their missing parts.

Free radical steal electrons from the proteins in your body which badly damages your DNA and other cell structures.Free radicals tend to collect in cell membranes which makes the cell lipids prone to oxidative damage. When this happens the cell membrane becomes brittle and leaky, causing the cell to fall apart and die.

Free radicals can severely affect your DNA by disrupting the duplication of DNA, interfering with DNA maintenance and breaking open or altering its structure by reacting with the DNA bases.Free radicals are linked to the frequency of cancer, parkinsons disease, alzheimers, cataracts, etc.To prevent this, the body must get enough antioxidants to protect the body from such damage.

Antioxidants are electron donors, so they can break the free radical chain reaction by sacrificing their own electrons to feed free radicals. Antioxidants are nature’s way of providing your cells with adequate defense against free radicals. As long as you have these important micronutrients your body will be able to resist aging caused by your everyday exposure to pollutants.

Supplementing your body with the correct antioxidant will give you the protection. Insist on natural extract of antioxidant and stay away from synthetic or chemically derived ones.

Besides taking antioxidants supplements, a change in lifestyle is also an added value and protection.

  • Reduce and eliminate sugar from your diet
  • Exercise
  • Manage your stress
  • Avoid Smoking
  • Get enough sleep

An antioxidant rich diet will not work to your advantage if you don’t follow a healthy lifestyle.Start the change today and lead a better and healthy lifestyle with the help of a good quality antioxidant supplement to start your Day!!!!


Supplementing your body with the correct antioxidant will give you the protection. Insist on natural extract of antioxidant and stay away from synthetic or chemically derived ones.