

Wellness is a Nutritional functional food formula especially formulated according to the requirements of ASN (American Society of Nephrology) for stage 1 to stage 4 pre-dialysis patients.


Wellness only uses 100% Whey protein as the protein source that is needed to repair and heal the kidney cells. Whey protein contains high levels of glutamine that is important in prevention of vascular sclerosis as well as keeping the homocysteine levels to a normal level so that the blood flows smoothly.
High in Monounsaturated Fatty acids that is proven to improve the lipid profile of kidney patients.

Wellness Low Protein also contains:

  • L-arginine to help increase the level of nitric oxide that relaxes the blood vessel walls therefore improving blood flow and improves vascular elasticity.
  • Taurine which improves insulin sensitivity and fat metabolism.
  • Lactoferrin to regulate the absorption of iron and proper oxygen distribution.
  • Medium Chain triglyceride which helps in better digestion and absorption.
  • Probiotics to help maintain healthy function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin B complex for energy metabolism and the forming of red blood cells.
  • Fibersol-2 to improve bowel movement and prevent constipation as kidney patients will be limited to fluid intake that would thus cause them to have constipation issues.
  • N-glyce which is a Phyto-nutrient polypeptide-P. It is a plant insulin known to lower blood sugar levels as it contains a blood sugar lowering agent- Charantin. Charantin increases the glucose uptake into the liver, muscle and fat cells, therefore reducing the blood sugar levels.

Suitable for:

  • Diabetic patients with the below combination disease states,
  • High blood pressure patients
  • Heart problem patients
  • Family history with Kidney disease
  • Obesity
  • Smokers
  • History of acute kidney injury
  • Prolonged use of pain killers or steroids

Packing: 1 box of 15’s sachets


Mix 1 sachet of Wellness low protein with 100ml of cool water, stir well before serving. Consume 1 to 2 sachets daily depending on the dietary requirements.